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Do you have time for them?

On a daily basis, the Sauvons nos Animaux shelter in Bukavu accommodates on average about 100 dogs and 40 cats, who were abandoned or rescued from situations where they were mistreated, abandoned, or injured by vehicles and left to die. 

The role of our volunteers is to bring a little love and happiness to the animals in our shelters: take them out, play with them, brush them, cuddle them, train them (learning to walk without leash for dogs, do not scratch for cats…), restore their confidence in Human Beings.

“Their gaze filled with love is a priceless reward.

Volunteers are necessary for the proper functioning of the shelter and allow us to bring a little happiness and distraction to our pets who need it so much. Your presence is so important to the cats and dogs at our shelter. It makes their lives easier while they are at the shelter and when socialized and trained, it makes them more likely to be adopted.

Depending on age and interest, different options are available to you:

  • In the morning, help clean the shelter.

  • In the afternoon, we can train you in order to be able to welcome and advise future adopters.

  • Socialize and train cats and dogs.

  • Hold a stand during our events or for the shelter open day.

  • Walk the dogs for adoption, see details below



Monday to Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (except public holidays)

  • The departure is on foot from the refuge.

  • Dogs are kept on a leash and must not be let loose under any circumstances.

  • They should be kept close to the walker, not come into contact with other dogs or jump on other walkers.

  • Droppings will be picked up and brought back to the shelter. A poop bag will be provided at the start of the walk.

  • Any incident must be reported to a person in charge of the refuge upon returning from the walk.

  • Each person wishing to walk the dogs of the refuge, must commit to respecting these instructions.

  • In the event of an accident due to non-compliance with the instructions, the walker will be held responsible.

Before the first walk, provide a printed copy of

  • A valid civil liability certificate.

  • A photocopy of a valid identity document.

Before each walk, register in the “dog walks” register

Do you have time for them?


To apply as a volunteer with Save Our Animals or if you would like more information, send an email to We will contact you soon!


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