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The association receives no government funding. We can only survive thanks to donations from individuals. No matter when and how much, a few Euros are always welcome. If you wish to make a donation to us, several options are possible: by online kitty (Click here), by PayPal, bank transfer or check (Click here).  Thanking you in advance for your help!


To donate through our Partner Organization, Animal-Kind International (AKI), using your bank account or credit card, PayPal, or an employer donation program,  do it here.



Financial donations allow Sauvons nos Animaux to carry out its daily missions. 95% of our expenses are covered by donations.


To carry out our missions, your support is essential.
Without you, we don't exist! When you support Sauvons nos Animaux, you:


  • Support a recognized and effective Congolese non-profit organization.

  • Can be assured of and confident about our transparent and well-controlled finances.

  • Promote a mutually shared ethic of animal protection.

  • Help the only animal shelter in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Help us share our innovative vision of animal protection.

  • Contribute to our future and sustainability.

  • Allow Sauvons nos Animaux to continue to act on a daily basis.


Finally, helping us means you are supporting a passionate and highly effective non-profit organization, which has many years of experience and passionate,motivated, and caring staff, who go above and beyond what is expected of animal shelter staff with the sole purpose of helping the DRC's cats and dogs.

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