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Muss needs your help

Seriously ill and neglected, it is a miracle that Muss was still able to stand when he was rescued. A tumor had grown on her stomach due to an infection. He needed urgent help, but had no one to take care of him. Dogs like Muss in our shelter can't wait, they need your help now. Donate to save their lives. It's a miracle that Muss was still able to stand when he was rescued a few days ago. His condition is heartbreaking and he needs your help to make a full recovery.

Your help is more important than ever for innocent animals like Muss. They can only be saved with your support. Muss suffered from several serious infections which resulted in a tumor in his stomach. This is one of the worst cases we have ever seen, and only with your help can Muss survive. He could have been treated much sooner, but he had no one to take care of him. Muss is now safe and cared for, but he can only get through this with your help. Like him, there are countless dogs suffering on the streets due to human neglect and carelessness. Donate today to help Muss and many others get saved.

Your support can make all the difference in the lives of dogs like Muss, who have no one else to rely on. Do you want to change their world and donate to save them? click here DONATE


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