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Sad news from the Refuge

I return for sad news from the Refuge. Yesterday at the end of the day there was a brawl, near the Refuge, between armed young people, and during an exchange of shots, bullets hit NTONTON and BRADOC. Unfortunately NTONTON was hit and died immediately and BRADOC was injured in one eye. The veterinarian waits a bit before deciding whether he should be operated on or not. The Godmothers were notified this morning, but neither of them has yet read my message. Courage to the two Godmothers. We are very sad for NTONTON, poor little man who found himself in the path of the ball and who only wanted to live happily at the Refuge. NTONTON who flew very high by the madness of his human brothers and who now watches over HIS Refuge, his friends Poilus and Paterne. We hope that for BRADOC, the operation will not be necessary and that he will not lose his eye .We also have another Poilu who was treated today, it is ANJAN who is suffering from an abscess. May our little patients recover very quickly.


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